Education in Britain – angličtina k maturitě


Otázka: Education in Britain

Jazyk: Angličtina

Přidal(a): Monika





Going to school in Britain (School attendance) is compulsory from the age of  5 to 16. Most children go to the state schools, where education and equipment are free . Boys and girls are usually taught together it’s called co-educational. And only 7 per cent of children attend private schools. These schools are often single sex, just for boys or for just for girls and students have to often wear uniforms. I think it’s a quite good idea, because social differences between students at school aren’t see.

Very young children can attend crèches and when they are older, they can go to the nursery, where they are prepare for primary school. At the age of five children start primary school. At the age of eleven they continue in secondary schools (education). They can choose between comprehensive schools, which are free and Grammar schools, which aren’t free and it  they have to pass an exam to get into

When they are sixteen years old they pass the GCSE examinations and they can leave school. When they decided to continue their studies, they study only three or four subjects and they are prepare for A-level examinations, which they need, when they wanted to go to the university or college. Studying at university lasts from 2 to 4 years and it’s paid. The oldest British universities are Oxford and Cambridge.

The school year starts on the 1st of September and finished on the 30th of June and is divided into three terms with holidays at Christmas, as Easter, and in the summer. And they go to school five days a week. In Britain students are grade by marks from A to F (A is the best) it´s different from our country.

The school day starts between 8 and 9 o’clock and finishes between 3 and 4. There is a lunch break, which lasts about one hour and quarter or half. One lessons lasts 45 min for young children and 60 min for older children.

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