The Czech Republic – otázka z angličtiny

Maturitní otázku z angličtiny na téma The Czech Republic nám zaslala Klatak. Více maturitních otázek z anglického jazyka najdete na našem webu

Czech Republic is situated in the middle of Europe,. Our country borders with Germany in the west, with Poland in the north, with Slovakia in the east and with Austria in the south. Czech Republic consists from historical parts: Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia.

Czech Republic is home for 10 mil. Inhabitants. Most of them are Czech origin, so we can say, that Czech Republic is one nation state. But there are several minorities, such as Slovaks, Vietnamese and Ukrainians. Prague it is the capital city and the seat of government and the president. The Czech Republic is a pluralist multi-party parliamentary representative democracy. The Parliament (Parlament České republiky) is bicameral, with the Chamber of Deputies (Czech: Poslanecká sněmovna) (200 members) and the Senate (Czech: Senát) (81 members). Prague is famous for historical monuments. Next two big towns are in Moravia, Brno– the centre of Moravia and Ostrava. Plzen is in the west Bohemia and is the fourth largest town in our country, it is centre of engineering and world famous for beer production. Ceske Budejovice – centre of south Bohemia is historical town

Czech Republic has various surface, mountains create natural borders with our neighbours: so there are the Giant Mountains with the highest peak Snezka. There is also Sumava,   Jizerske mountains, Eagle mountains, Beskids,  Jesenik and  Karpatien. Bohemia and Moravia are separate by Bohemian-Moravian highlands. Lowlands are along rivers Vltava, Elbe and Dyje. Rivers in Czech Republic flow to the North Sea. The largest waterway is in the Elbe. On Elbe we can travel to Germany to Hamburg. On Vltava there are several dams, which are used to produce energy (Orlik, Slapy, Vrany, Lipno). This places are also used for recreation.

Our country has 4 seasons of the year. The warmest places are in southern Moravia and the coldest are in the Giant Mountains. Southern Moravia is thanks to its climate the most fertile part of Czech Republic. There are fertile lowlands along river Dyje.

Economy in Czech Republic has been changing for 13 years. We had to change basic economic system. We transformed from heavy industry to engineering and electronics production. Important position has chemical industry – petrol and oil products. Czech Republic had large resources of coal, especially Ostrava´s coal minds and coal minds around Most, Sokolov and Kladno. But after economic changes these areas were not important, so many of them were closed and a plenty of people lost their jobs. In these days most important industry is automotive – Skoda automobile in Mlada Boleslav, and chemical industry in Litvinov, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Neratovice. Engineering industry is in Plzen, Brno, Liberec. Textile industry Pisek, Prostejov glass industry with long tradition in Jablonec.

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